Do you want to make healthier choices for dinner, but you simply don’t have the time to put a meal together? After a long day at work, you could be left too tired think about cooking a big meal. However, it is possible to make a nutritious home-cooked meal for yourself in only 10-minutes. That’s less time than it would take for delivery to be at your door! We’ve rounded up some of our favorite quick and easy recipes so you can eat smart in no time.
Healthy Dinner Recipes You Can Make in Just 10-Minutes:
Asian Steak Noodle Bowl

Get the recipe from Meraki Lane.
Healthy Tuna Stuffed Avocado

Get the recipe from The Stay at Home Chef
10 Minute Black Bean and Corn Quesadillas

Get the recipe from Dashing Dish.
Whole Wheat Pita Chicken Alfredo Pizza

Get the recipe from Tone & Tighten.
Chicken Tortilla Lettuce Wraps

Get the recipe from Averie Cooks.
10 Minute Beef & Broccolini Bowls

Get the recipe from The Creative Bite.
Tomato and White Bean Salad

Get the recipe from The Cook’s Pyjamas.
Creamy Spinach Artichoke Hummus Pasta

Get the recipe from Fooduzzi.
Healthy Broccoli Slaw Fish Tacos

Get the recipe from Kim’s Healthy Eats.
Couscous Salad in Avocado Bowls

Get the recipe from Kitschen Cat.
Avocado Pesto Pasta
Get the recipe from B.Britnell.
Do you have a go-to quick and easy dinner recipe? Please share it with us @eatsmartscales.