Healthy Breakfast – Yam Pancakes

Guest Post by Amy Roskelley, author of the blog, Super Healthy Kids.

Ingredients and Directions:
½ cup of cooked and cooled yam, scooped out of its skin (leftovers are perfect!)
1 cup low fat milk
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. vanilla
1 egg
Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth and runny.

Then put in a bowl:
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt

Next, add the liquid ingredients to the dry. You can add more milk if you need to for the consistency of pancake batter. I like mine thin, so it pours easily and cooks thoroughly.

Then pour batter onto a hot griddle. Flip pancake when it begins to bubble.


About the Author: Amy Roskelley has a passion for healthy family living. She is a graduate of health education, and owner of Super Healthy Kids, an online resource for parents who are looking for ideas, healthy meal plans, recipes, and tips for feeding their kids healthier and living better.

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