Green Smoothie Recipe

To celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, we’ve “gone green” and created this festive and nutritious Holiday drink. Green smoothies provide the opportunity to mix leafy greens with fruit to create a delicious drink.  Raw greens are among the most nutritious foods on the planet, but we rarely consume enough of them. Start Saint Patrick’s Day off right by adding green flair to your fruit smoothie!

7-10 Strawberries
7-10 Red Grapes
1 Banana
1 Handful of Blueberries or Blackberries
1 Serving of Greek Yogurt – I used vanilla flavored.
1/4 Cup of Almond Milk or Water
1 Big Handful of Baby Spinach or Kale

Directions: Put all ingredients into a blender and mix until you reach desired texture. This only took about 30-45seconds in my Health Master Blender. To impress, always garnish with a piece of fresh fruit.

Why Spinach? If you haven’t already heard, spinach is at the top of many “super food” lists. It’s one of the healthiest foods on the planet, loaded with calcium, folic acid, fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, carotenoids and iron – to name just a few! What does this mean for you? Spinach helps build muscle, strengthen bones, prevent heart disease and cancers, and improve cellular function. Have this Smoothie as part of breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert!

What’s your favorite healthy Saint Patty’s Day recipe?

About the Author: Karen Welby is the Marketing Director at EatSmart Products and a Personal Trainer/Health Coach.

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