Best Cauliflower Side Dish Ever

This is a remake of an older recipe I had on my other blog. It’s quick and satisfying and makes a large portion which I like, because I can eat the leftovers for a few days.

1 head cauliflower, grated
1 package, shittake mushrooms
6 green onions
2 shallots, minced
1 tsp fresh ginger, minced
3 tbsp coconut aminos (no soy sauce or tamari, please)
3 eggs
Coconut oil
Meat of choice (I used grilled steak)
Sesame oil for garnish*

1. Grate the cauliflower using a food processor (or if you have time and the patience of a saint, a box grater).

2. Prep the veggies (slice the green onions and mushrooms thinly and mince the shallot/ginger).

3. Heat a large skillet/wok to high heat. Add a spoonful or two of coconut oil. Saute the mushrooms, shallot and ginger for ~3 min or until they begin to soften, stirring often.

4. Add the cauliflower, green onions and coconut aminos. Saute for ~5 min.

5. Push the veggies to the side of the skillet and create a well. Crack the eggs into the well and scramble (yes, kind of like you’d do with fried rice). Stir everything to combine.

6. Top with a meat of your choice. I prepared it this time with slices of grilled steak on top. Shrimp is also delicious with this.

7. *Garnish with a drizzle of sesame oil, if preferred. Please do not cook the veggies with sesame oil as it’s high in Omega 6′s and will oxidize easily at high heat. A nice drizzle at the end to finish off the dish after it’s been plated is super yummy.

About the Author: Stephanie is a Paleo food blogger and is currently studying to be a Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner. Her blog, Stupid Easy Paleo, is a collection of quick, simple and delicious recipes for people who want to eat good food.

1 Response

  1. I’ve not seen “packages” of shiitake mushrooms at the store. Did you use dried? If fresh, what weight/measurement of the mushrooms did you use?

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