What You Can Do Today To Declutter The Kitchen

What You Can Do Today To Declutter The KitchenKitchens are often the main hub of a home – a meeting and feeding space where everyone gathers throughout the day.  However, the heavy traffic can create a mess of clutter that can leave you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and disorganized. In addition, with the variety of clutter that accumulates (papers, backpacks, toys, etc.), meal prep can be become a major challenge.

An organized kitchen saves you time and is much more efficient to use. You are more likely to cook meals if you enjoy being in your kitchen. While half of the battle is to clear off the counters, the other half is to keep the mess from accumulating.

If you are constantly fighting to keep counters and table tops organized, these tips are for you.


12 Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Clutter Free:


Store appliances in your cabinets

Appliances that aren’t used multiple times a day take up valuable counter space and can leave your counter looking too busy. Instead, store items that aren’t used frequently out of sight in your cabinets or cupboards. labeled-appliances-in-homes


Keep items used regularly handy

Items that are used several times a day should be easily accessible. If you drink coffee all day, keep your coffee maker out. Food scales with a small profile, such as our Precision Digital Kitchen Scale, don’t take up a lot of room and let you portion out your foods at each meal. It could also be tucked into a drawer if you prefer to keep it out of sight.


Clean as you go

Wipe up counters and tables after meals and meal prep. Giving everything a quick wipe keeps it clean and ready for your next meal. Put dishes in the dishwasher or in a sink full of hot soapy water to make clean up after cooking a snap.


Take care of dirty dishes immediately

Cups, plates, and cutlery often migrate to the kitchen counter next to the sink. Rather than stacking dirty dishes on the counters or in the sink; immediately wash them or rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher.Simple Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Clutter Free-decorate


Empty out the pantry, cabinets, and refrigerator

Clear out old item when you do your weekly grocery shopping, rather than just cramming the newer stuff in. Toss expired items, foods that have passed their shelf life and anything that may have spoiled. You will have more room and waste less food when you can see what’s available.


Focus on organizing one area at a time

Creating order is less overwhelming if you focus on one area at a time. Take everything off of the kitchen table and only put back the necessities. Toss what can be tossed and put away the items that don’t belong there.


Donate, sell, or toss multiples

Multiple or unused appliances, measuring cups, spoons, and gadgets are unnecessary. Keep your favorites and get rid of the rest.  If you never use the citrus zester there is no point in keeping it.


Store bulk items in labeled containers

Warehouse stores are convenient for bulk foods but those boxes take up a lot of shelf space. Transfer the contents into smaller, more manageable containers. Keep the containers labeled so you can find exactly what you need at a glance.


Create a command center

Household papers, mail, magazines, and newspapers all need a place to go. Have designated areas for bills, important notices, and frequently used office supply items. You won’t have to search for a pen and papers won’t take over your free spaces.


Meal plan

Planning out your meals for the week and picking up only the ingredients you need helps keep your cabinets and fridge clutter free. You will have exactly what you need to cook your meals and you won’t end up with multiple bottles of condiments, cereals, and the like. It also saves unwanted trips to the grocery store.


Keep décor to a minimum

One or two decorations is fine but too much décor can leave counters looking overcrowded. Keeping counters clear makes preparing meals much easier.

Simple Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Clutter Free-decorate

Start fresh each night

Giving your kitchen a quick straightening up each night can help you stay ahead of items piling up throughout the week. Wipe counters, make sure the sink is clear of dishes, and put away anything that doesn’t belong in the kitchen. You’ll start your next morning feeling more organized and a bit less stressed.


Do you have a tip for keeping your kitchen clutter free? Tweet it to us at @EatSmartScales.

You may also enjoy reading 14 Easy And Healthy Swaps To Make At The Grocery Store or 17 Things You Can Do to Create a Perfect Morning Routine.


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