Voyager Holiday Giveaway

I can’t quite believe that we are again at that time of year when people will be doing a lot of holiday traveling.  Flying to Grandma’s for Thanksgiving dinner or jetting home to celebrate the Holiday Season with family is all part of the American tradition.  The thought of sharing holiday celebrations makes you feel warm and cozy all over UNTIL you start to consider the prospect of dealing with airport crowds, baggage regulations and security checks.


To me, money lost on overweight baggage charges could be much better spent on gifts for the family.  At EatSmart, we have a solution on how to WIN this Baggage Challenge and avoid paying those pesky fees.

The EatSmart Precision Voyager Luggage Scale is a practical and savvy gadget that can alleviate stress at check-in and save you money BEFORE you leave home.  By knowing your luggage is under the weight limit, you can avoid the embarrassment of re-packing luggage at the baggage counter and most importantly, save money by avoiding overweight baggage fees.


To get the holiday season off to a good start, TEN lucky EatSmart fans will win a Precision Voyager luggage scale to help make their airline travel a breeze!  You can enter by simply by filling out the form below.  Good luck to all and safe travels!

Entering the contest is easy and can be done through the form below.  Here is how you can win:

  • Fill in your name (1 Entry)
  • Fill in your email (1 Entry)
  • Like us on Facebook (1 Optional Entry)
  • Click here to share the giveaway on Twitter (1 Optional Entry)
  • Like this blog post (1 Optional Entry)
  • What is the craziest travel experience you have encountered? (1 Entry) Bonus: We will feature the most unique responses in our special “Travelers” Post on December 17th.

[contact-form subject=’Voyager Holiday Giveaway Entry Form’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’I liked EatSmart on Facebook’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’I tweeted about the giveaway’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’I liked this blog post’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’What is the craziest travel experience you have encountered?’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Giveaway ends on Friday, December 6th at 12 noon EST. The winners will be selected at random and notified by email. They will have 48 hours to reply back before a new winner is selected. (Sorry, but it’s limited to US residents)

airport stress syndrome

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