Celebrate Father’s Day with a Gadget Giveaway for 2

Father’s Day is coming – doesn’t Dad deserve something special, on this day of all days?

After our overwhelming response from our Mother’s Day celebration giveaway, EatSmart would like to honor all Dad’s by giving away TWO EatSmart Premium Digital Bathroom Scales – one for you and one for Dad! Good health is the greatest gift we can give to those most important in our lives—Dad being right up there at the top of the list.

Entering the contest is easy, and can be done through the form below. Here is how you can win: (5 entries possible)

  • Fill in your name. (1 Entry)
  • Fill in your email. (1 Entry)
  • What are some UNIQUE ways that you enjoy the day with Dad and celebrate the wonderful Father that you have in your life? (1 Entry) Bonus: We will feature the most unique responses in our special Father’s Day Blog Post on June 12th.
  • Like this blog post. (1 Optional Entry)
  • Sign up for the EatSmart Newsletter  at www.eatsmartproducts.com. (1 Optional Entry)

[contact-form subject=”The EatSmart Blog Celebrate Father\’s Day with a Gadget Giveaway for 2″ to=”karen@eatsmartproducts.com”] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”What are some UNIQUE ways that you enjoy the day with Dad and celebrate the wonderful Father that you have in your life? ” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Yes, I liked this blog post.” type=”checkbox” /] [contact-field label=”Yes, I signed up for the EatSmart Newsletter.” type=”checkbox” /] [/contact-form]

Giveaway ends on Monday, June 11th at 12 noon EST. The lucky winner will be selected at random and notified by email. They will have 48 hours to reply back before a new winner is selected. (Sorry, but it’s limited to US residents only!)

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