Charity of the Month – Recipe for Success Foundation

EatSmart fans will continue to select a Charity of the Month in 2018. Fans will submit short stories about the charity’s mission and why it’s meaningful to them. We began our Charity of the Month donations in 2011. In honor of National Nutrition Month, we’ve selected Recipe for Success as our charity for March 2018. Recipe for Success Foundation The Mission of the Recipe for Success Foundation: Recipe for Success Foundation is dedicated to combating childhood obesity by changing the way our children understand, appreciate and eat their food, and by educating and mobilizing the community to provide healthier diets for children. Now celebrating our 10th Anniversary Year, we have developed a comprehensive experiential learning program that makes healthy food fun, we promote healthy eating with books, contests and public awareness campaigns, and we work to make affordable, healthy food available to everyone. We envision a world where healthy eating is the norm and a culture where nutritious food is shared, appreciated, and celebrated.

For every new Facebook fan, we (EatSmart Products) acquire during the month of March, we will donate 50 cents/follower to Recipe for Success. (So spread the word!)

Click below, LIKE us and EatSmart will donate!Charity of the Month – Recipe for Success Foundation

If interested in submitting a charity for consideration, please email The donation amount will be capped at 500 new followers/likes.

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