Charity of the Month September 2015 – T.E.A.L.

EatSmart fans will continue to select a Charity of the Month in 2015. Fans will submit short stories about the charity’s mission and why it’s meaningful to them. We began our Charity of the Month donations in 2011.

September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month! In honor of this important cause, we’ve selected T.E.A.L, (Tell Every Amazing Lady) as our charity of the month. Their mission is to promote public awareness and education of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of Ovarian Cancer, while providing support to survivors and raising funds for research in order to find the cure for Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancers in the United States and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women.

About the T.E.A.L.:

®T.E.A.L. stands for both Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer Louisa M. McGregor Ovarian Cancer Foundation and for Teal, the color that symbolizes Ovarian Cancer. Founded in 2009 by two sisters from Brooklyn, NY to draw attention to Ovarian Cancer, ®T.E.A.L. has grown to become a national movement.  Our goal is to decrease mortality rates by helping women identify signs and symptoms and urging them to seek medical help at the earliest possible stages. We believe that by equipping women with knowledge about the disease and its signs, and encouraging them to listen to their bodies, we can save lives. T.E.A.L. programs focus on providing support to patients and survivors, raising public awareness, and sharing resources with key partners in the struggle to end Ovarian Cancer. T.E.A.L. funds cutting-edge research and public education campaigns designed to improve the lives of Ovarian Cancer patients and those at risk of contracting the disease.

Click here to visit their Facebook page.

For every new Facebook follower we acquire during the month of September, we will donate 50 cents/follower to the T.E.A.L. (So spread the word!)

Click here and EatSmart will donate: FaceBook_512x512

If interested in submitting a charity for consideration, please email The donation amount will be capped at 500 new followers/likes.

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