Knowledge Base

How to Create and Stick to a Routine While Self-Isolating-eatsmart |
March 25, 2020

How to Create and Stick to a Routine While Self-Isolating

While the first few days at home may feel like a vacation, not having a routine can quickly make life feel chaotic. Whether you’re working from home, trying to homeschool your kids, or are suddenly […]

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7 Tips To Ease Into A Back To School Routine |
August 26, 2019

7 Tips to Ease into a Back-to-School Routine

As summer comes to a close and the school year begins, it’s important to establish a back-to-school routine. It will help the whole family adjust to their new schedule and get everyone out the door […]

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20 Foods for an All Natural Energy Boost-eatsmart |
August 9, 2019

20 Foods To Eat For An All Natural Energy Boost

Do you need a boost of energy? A healthy snack is the best way to replenish your energy levels. Skip the coffee and sugary treats that provide a temporary jolt followed by a hard crash. […]

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5 Must-Have BBQ Accessories to Make Your Life Easier-eatsmart |
June 27, 2019

If You Love to BBQ, You Need These 5 Essential Accessories

Whether it’s a casual weeknight meal or a weekend gathering for friends and family, food just tastes better when it’s cooked over an open flame. Regardless of your BBQ skills, the following grilling accessories will […]

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15 Easy Ways to Make Your BBQ Healthier |
June 20, 2019

15 Easy Ways To Make Your BBQ Healthier

Grilling with family and friends is one of the best things about summer. Enjoying the outdoors and a delicious feast is a wonderful way to spend a day. On the other hand, certain BBQ favorites […]

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15-Ways to Make a Healthier Meatloaf-eatsmart |
May 3, 2019

15 Ways to Make a Healthier Meatloaf

For many, meatloaf is a delicious comfort food that evokes warm memories of dinnertime as a child. Would you like to enjoy one your favorite meals without all of the fat and calories in a […]

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15 ways to build a healthier sandwich .png |
April 18, 2019

15 Ways to Build a Healthier Sandwich

Sandwiches are a very popular lunch choice for people of all ages, as they can be delicious, affordable and convenient. Additionally, if mornings are hectic in your house, you can prepare a sandwich quickly and […]

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What You Need to Know About the Mediterranean Diet |
April 12, 2019

What You Need to Know About the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is based on the typical eating habits in the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. A traditional diet from the region includes a generous portion of fresh produce, whole grains, nuts, and […]

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The Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting |
March 11, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting may seem like a new fad to accelerate weight loss, but in fact, it has been around for thousands of years. In particular, many religions have designated periods of abstaining from food. As […]

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What You Can Do Today To Declutter The Kitchen |
February 27, 2019

What You Can Do Today To Declutter The Kitchen

Kitchens are often the main hub of a home – a meeting and feeding space where everyone gathers throughout the day.  However, the heavy traffic can create a mess of clutter that can leave you […]

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10 Ways Screen Time Impacts Your Health and What You Can Do About It |
January 7, 2019

10 Ways Screen Time Impacts Your Health and What You Can Do About It

Do you spend too much time looking at screens? Screens play an increasingly large part of our lives – phones, tablets, televisions, computers, video games all constitute screen time. If you’re not exactly sure how […]

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7 Expert Tips to Create a Grazing Table2 |
October 17, 2018

7 Expert Tips to Create a Grazing Table

As a party host, you don’t want to spend all of your time running around cooking and serving food. If you want more time to enjoy your guests, try a grazing table. What is it? […]

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23 Tips For Being a Healthier You |
August 22, 2018

23 Tips For Being a Healthier You

Do you wake up every morning with the intention of eating unhealthy meals, being a couch potato and allowing stress to dictate your life? We didn’t think so! To live a healthier lifestyle, you don’t […]

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How to Eat Healthy on a Budget |
April 19, 2018

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

When you have a tight budget, eating healthy meals on a consistent basis may seem impossible. However, with some small changes to your routine, you can eat healthier AND save money on your weekly food […]

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10 Packing Tips for Spring Break Travelers-3 |
March 28, 2018

10 Packing Tips for Spring Break Travelers

Are you taking a well-deserved vacation this spring? Well, we’d like to help get your trip off to a great start. To avoid airline hassles, unwanted fees and frustrated family members, you need to streamline […]

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How to “Crowd Out” Unhealthy Foods and Improve Your Nutrition |
March 13, 2018

How to “Crowd Out” Unhealthy Foods and Improve Your Nutrition

Are you trying to eat healthier but can’t imagine the thought of giving up your favorite foods? Well, one way to obtain a healthier diet is to increase the proportion of healthy foods you eat, […]

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Why is portion control so important.png |
February 23, 2018

Why is portion control so important?

Whether you want to lose a few pounds or just maintain a healthy weight, eating proper portions is as important as eating the right foods. According to the National Institute of Health, food portions in […]

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Sneak Veggies into Family Meals and Snacks-2 |
February 14, 2018

25 Ways to Sneak Veggies into Family Meals and Snacks

Do you worry your family isn’t getting enough vegetables in their everyday diet? Struggling with picky eaters can turn mealtimes into stressful situations. Sometimes, children need to be introduced to a food more than 10 […]

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25 Easy, Healthy New Year's Resolutions You'll Actually Be Able to Do |
January 3, 2018

25 Easy, Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Actually Be Able to Keep

Do you struggle with New Year’s resolutions? Many resolutions are either too vague or too ambitious to reach.  If your goal is to live healthier, your resolution doesn’t have to be complicated. You can lead […]

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How to Host a Successful Holiday Dinner Party-TIPS |
December 5, 2017

How to Host a Successful Holiday Dinner Party

The holiday season is the perfect time to throw a dinner party. You can connect with friends and family while enjoying delicious food in a relaxed, intimate setting. While the thought of hosting a gathering […]

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