Looking for a new recipe for summer but have run out of ideas of what to cook? Your questions have been answered! A decadant dish that will wow your dinner guests with just the right ingredients, not to mention the nutrients! A big nutritional plus found in this dish is the use of kale, which is extremely high in vitamins A, C, and K. Kale is rich in antioxidants, beneficial in preventing cancer and boosting eye-health. See the full recipe of Farro & Kalle Risotto with Roasted Tomatoes here!
About the Author: I’m Lori Yates and the I live in metro Detroit. I like to cook. And write. And take pictures of foodie things. And then gobble those things up. Why does this blog have a strange name? Simple: my maiden name is Fox, and I love lemon and all things lemon-flavored. Check Lori’s page for more delicious recipes at Foxes Love Lemons.